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ViArt User's Guide (Version 3.6)
Please, see the list of all new features and fixed bugs that were made to all ViArt PHP Shopping Cart releases from version 2.1.1 up to the latest 3.5 version.
28.4. LinkPoint Payment System
28.4. LinkPoint Payment System
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ViArt Shop 3.6 version supports 2 LinkPoint payment methods: LinkPoint Connect and LinkPoint API. The LinkPoint API is the "advanced" way to process sales through LinkPoint while LinkPoint Connect is a shortened version of LinkPoint API and is similar to Authorize.net's SIM and Verisign's Payflow Link where it concerns the way it operates on the website. Unlike LinkPoint API LinkPoint Connect does not offer any special features such as recurring billing or fraud prevention, but is rather simple and easy to use.

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Where to find the settings

LinkPoint systems are located at Administration > Orders > Payment Systems.

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LinkPoint Connect method

To configure LinkPoint Connect in your ViArt shop please do the following steps:

1. Open an account with LinkPoint. For this visit their site and open a merchant account with them.

2. Once an account is approved you will receive a Welcome Email with your unique merchant store number. Keep it for your records. You'll need to specify it in your ViArt Shop then.

3. Login to your ViArt Shop Administration console.

4. Navigate to Administration > Orders > Payment Systems > LinkPoint Connect gateway and click 'Edit System'.

5. Basic parameters are set in the Admin panel by default. Therefore, enable an option 'Is Active', scroll down the page and specify a correct value for the 'storename' parameter which is your merchant store number you received in the Welcome Email.

6. If you are using a test store on the staging server, change the Payment URL to: https://staging.linkpt.net/lpc/servlet/lppay

For live transactions leave the Payment URL as: https://www.linkpointcentral.com/lpc/servlet/lppay

7. Click 'Update' to save the changes.

8. You should also customize the payment form in the Customization section in LinkPoint Central before you attempt any transactions:

  • In LinkPoint Central, click Customization on the Main Menu Bar, and then click Settings on the Side Menu Bar to customize LinkPoint Connect settings.
  • For Submission Form URL type your submission page like http://www.your_site.com/payment.php or https://www.your_site.com/payment.php (where your_site.com equals your true domain name). Otherwise, the system doesn't allow any transactions.
  • For Confirmation URL and Failure Page specify your final page like: http://www.example.com/order_final.php (where your_site.com equals your true domain name)
  • Check all available options on this page for Confirmation Page and Failure Page:
  • [x] URL is a CGI script

    [x] Automatically display specified URL after the LinkPoint Central HTML receipt

  • Click 'Submit' to save your changes.

9. Once all the steps are done you can start testing LinkPoint Connect system in your shop.

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LinkPoint API method

To configure LinkPoint API in your ViArt shop please do the following steps:

1. Open an account with LinkPoint. For this visit their site and open a merchant account with them.

2. Once an account is approved you will receive a Welcome Email with your unique merchant store number. Keep it for your records. You'll need to specify it in your ViArt Shop then.

3. Login to your ViArt Shop Administration console

4. Navigate to Administration > Orders > Payment Systems > LinkPoint API and click 'Edit System'.

5. Basic parameters are set in the Admin panel by default. Therefore, enable an option 'Is Active', scroll down the page to specify the required parameter values:


configfile - is your unique merchant store number you received in the Welcome Email after registration with LinkPoint.

keyfile - is the local path to your SSL certificate provided by Linkpoint (the so called pem file). Please upload the pem file to your server and specify an absolute path to your certificate, like: /home/name/public_html/123.pem

result - this field puts the account in either a live mode or a test mode. Set to LIVE for live mode, GOOD for an approved response in test mode, DECLINE for a declined reponse in test mode, or DUPLICATE for a duplicate response.

5. Click 'Update' to save the changes.

6. For security purposes it is recommended to change a Payment URL to the absolute secure path, e.g. https://www.example.com/credit_card_info.php

7. Once all the steps are done you can start testing LinkPoint API system in your shop.

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Frequently asked questions

Can LinkPoint API be used for Call Center Orders?

Yes, LinkPoint API can be used for call center orders.

I'm getting an "Empty Response from Server. Check your settings" error message for my LinkPoint API. What should I do?

Most probably you've set a wrong value in the parameter 'keyfile'. Please ensure you specified an absolute path to your SSL certificate file, like this '/home/www/my_domain/cert.crt'. To identify the correct path to the file please create a file with the name test.php and put there the following lines:



FTP it to where your certificate is located. Further, type in the browser's bar www.your_site/folder/test.php where your_site equals your domain name. You will see a lot of information on your server settings. Search for 'SCRIPT_FILENAME' parameter - there you will see the correct path to your file.

When I try to test a transaction for LinkPoint API I get this error: DB ERROR 2013

This problem may have occurred because the outgoing traffic is forbidden on your server and it needs to be switched on. If your hosting provider uses proxy, you need to add two new fields in the payment settings:

'CURLOPT_PROXY' and 'CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD' and enter the appropriate parameters for these fields, like:

# host:port for CURLOPT_PROXY (e.g. www.someproxyserver.com:8080)

# user:password for CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD (e.g. my_name:secret)

Also, you can refer to this page of our manual to get more information on proxy settings

When setting up linkpoint under the option of keyfile it states: !"location of your SSL certificate file!" Is this asking for my linkpoint PEM file or an SSL certificate to the website for which the software is installed?

It should be your *.pem file (something like ./filepath/123456.pem) which is to be received from LinkPoint.

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