Our site www.viart.com site is operated by latest Viart Shop 5 with default Clear design
Valid only for v.3.6 and earlier

Compatible versions of PHP and Zend Optimizer

Please check that versions of PHP and Zend Optimizer you are using are compatible.
For PHP 5.x you need to use Zend Optimizer 3.2 or later.
For PHP 4.2.x - Zend 2.6.2 is recommended.
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Center the logo on all pages

To center the logo on your website, we would recommend you to open your 'header.html' file and find the following string:

<td id="logo" colspan="2"><a href="{site_url}index.php"><img style="background: url('{logo_src}') no-repeat;" class="png" src="images/tr.gif" {logo_size} alt="{logo_alt}" title="{logo_alt}"></a></td>

Then add 'align="center" after colspan="2". So, it will look like:

<td id="logo" colspan="2" align="center"><a href="{site_url}index.php"><img style="background: url('{logo_src}') no-repeat;" class="png" src="images/tr.gif" {logo_size} alt="{logo_alt}" title="{logo_alt}"></a></td> read more...read more...

How to make a Personal system work with call centre orders without requesting credit card details

1. Create an empty file (you can use Notepad for this) and save it like: money_order.php.
2. Put this file to the 'payments' folder of your shop.
3. Go to Administration > Orders > Payment System, select Personal Payment system and click the 'Edit System' link.
4. Specify 'order_confirmation.php' in the Payment URL.
5. Go to the Advanced Parameters Section, tick off 'Is Advanced' option and specify 'payments/money_order.php' in both 'Advanced Library' and 'Advanced URL' fields.
6. Scroll the page up and tick off 'Use for Call Center' option.
7. Save the changes by pressing the 'Update' button.
8. Now go to Call Centre Orders and create a test order. read more...read more...

"Zend not installed" error

If this error ocurred it is recommended to check whether your Zend Optimizer is installed correctly. To test it you can create a small script file like test.php that contains:
<?php phpinfo(); ?>
and look at the result output of the function. Then search for the section named 'Zend Optimizer' which contains listing of some Zend variables and their settings. If it doesn't exists it means that Zend Optimizer is not installed.
Also, make sure that you have installed a compatible version of Zend Optimizer. We would recommend 2.6.2 version for PHP 4 and 3.2 version for PHP 5. read more...read more...

What is Zend Optimizer?

Zend Optimizer is a free application distributed by Zend Technologies, Ltd., designed to optimize PHP scripts. Zend Optimizer is a necessary prerequisite for installing ViArt Shop. You can get more info on this here. read more...read more...

Fatal error: Unable to read 4797 bytes...on line 0

This and similar errors could occur due to the uploading Zend Encoded files in 'includes' folder. The files within the 'includes' folder should be uploaded in BINARY mode within your FTP program.

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What files are zend encoded within your software?

All the encoded files are located within the 'includes' folder. Here is the full list:
va_functions.php read more...

Is it possible to install ViArt Shopping Cart without Zend Optimizer?

Zend Optimizer is a must for running ViArt Shop version 3.6 amd lower.
Please, contact your hosting company and enquire if they would install this for you, it is a free piece of software.

ViArt currently provides its own hosted service which supports Zend if you would be interested in this: http://www.viart.com/php-web-hosting

Also, we would suggest to check our 30-Day Free Trial on our server at:

Note: starting from version 4.0 Zend Optimizer is not required anymore. read more...read more...