To center the logo on your website, we would recommend you to open your 'header.html' file and find the following string:
<td id="logo" colspan="2"><a href="{site_url}index.php"><img style="background: url('{logo_src}') no-repeat;" class="png" src="images/tr.gif" {logo_size} alt="{logo_alt}" title="{logo_alt}"></a></td>
Then add 'align="center" after colspan="2". So, it will look like:
<td id="logo" colspan="2" align="center"><a href="{site_url}index.php"><img style="background: url('{logo_src}') no-repeat;" class="png" src="images/tr.gif" {logo_size} alt="{logo_alt}" title="{logo_alt}"></a></td>