This default dump contains test data for installation. If you had to apply it after installation and as a result your version number is no longer visible in admin, run this SQL query:
update va_global_settings set setting_value='4.0.8' where setting_name='number'
read more...With the help of this MySQL query you can disable all countries at once:
update va_countries set show_for_user = 0
Afterwords you'll just need to check 'Show for User' field for the countries you want.
read more...This problem can happen when Site Tracking settings are activated on your site and the tracking data has been gathering for years. Sometimes the tracking data can reach a couple GB and then it starts to burden the database.
We recommend to run the following MySQL queries to clean this data (Tools > DB Management > Run SQL Query):
DELETE FROM va_tracking_visits
and this one:
DELETE FROM va_tracking_pages
read more...Here is an example of a SQL query that you can run via admin section (Tools > DB Management >Run SQL Query):
INSERT INTO va_items_serials (item_id, serial_number) VALUES (1, 'Serial #1'), (1, 'Serial #2'), (1, 'Serial #3');
In this example three serial numbers will be added to product with ID 1.
read more...You can switch off the persistent connections by editing the 'includes/var_definition.php' file and change the line of the code to be like this one:
$db_persistent = false;
If the problem persists, please send us the valid Admin/FTP to your site so we can check and give you some piece of advice.
You can run the following SQL queries for that:
TRUNCATE TABLE va_categories
TRUNCATE TABLE va_categories_sites
TRUNCATE TABLE va_categories_post_types
TRUNCATE TABLE va_categories_user_types
create database new_database_nameRead more about CREATE DATABASE syntax at read more...
GRANT select, insert, update, create, alter, delete, drop ON database.* TO user@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'password';read more...
mysql -u User -p Database < mysql_viart_shop.sql
Postgre command line is:
psql -U username -W -d dbname < postgre_viart_shop.sql
mysqldump --opt -u User -p Database > VA_Shop_Dump.sql
You can install a MySQL client program (e.g. Phpmyadmin) on your server preferably to the folder where your ViArt Shop is located. Then type www.[]/phpmyadmin in the browser address bar, and you will access your database control panel.
Also note, you can run SQL commands directly from ViArt Shop admin using Tools > DB Management > Run SQL Query form. read more...delete from va_manufacturers;
You may also need another query to update products. It is as follows:
update va_items set manufacturer_id=NULL;
To update orders sequence in your shop run this query:
alter table va_orders auto_increment=100000
To receive a list of most viewed (read) articles from certain date run this SQL query in Tools > DB Management > Run SQL Query:
select * from va_articles where article_date >= '2012-01-01 'order by total_views desc limit 10
read more...You can use the below SQL query to increase the length of the login field:
read more...You can activate email login in Settings > Site Users > User Types > Customer > Profile Settings > Predefined Fields:
Login DetailsTo change login for old users please run a SQL query:
update va_users set login=email
Otherwise old users (registered before this change) could still use their old login details. It works this way because email field may not be required during registration so these users need to have a way to login.
After these changes, would ViArt now use the field "login" to populate the field "email" in the order profile?
Yes, it would.
Would this mean that I can remove "Email" from the "show" and "required"Yes, you can remove it. read more...
On your on risk you may try adding the lines below to the file 'includes/db_mysql.php' just after the lines with @mysql_connect:
mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8'"); mysql_query("SET CHARACTER SET utf8"); mysql_query("SET COLLATION_CONNECTION = 'utf8_turkish_ci'");read more...