Our site www.viart.com site is operated by latest Viart Shop 5 with default Clear design
Topic Information
I get this error on the 1st part of the Shop installation
"Don't have writable permission to folder 'includes/'. Please change folder permissions before you continue"
Anyone know how do I change permission to write to this database?
What hosting provider? do you have cpanel?
jojo (Guest)
jojo (Guest)
If you use cpanel you can just navigate to the 'includes' folder then right click on it will give you an option to change permissions & you can just tick the box to make it writable.
Once your site goes live you have to make sure you do not leave this folder writable.
eyestrain (Guest)
eyestrain (Guest)
Strange as it may seem I host on Viart's servers!
I have a cart already working but want another in another sub folder. Its been a bit of a task - first I set it up in a folder outside the public_html folder allocated originally. Didn' t work - so support told me to put it in the aforementioned public_html so I did and bingo when I went it got the setup page but with the above error.
And cpanel - don't think its there - viart please note.
I can see the 'includes' in ftp but dont see a permissions
see this - in var_definition.example (which i think from other threads is the suspect --- anyhow
*** ***
*** ViArt Shop 3.5 ***
*** File: var_definition_example.php ***
*** Built: Mon Sep 29 13:15:36 2008 ***
*** http://www.viart.com ***
*** ***
define("INSTALLED", true); // set to false if you want run install.php
define("DEBUG", true); // debug mode - set false on live site
// database parameters
$db_lib = "mysql"; // mysql | postgre | odbc
$db_type = "mysql"; // mysql | postgre | access | db2
$db_name = "viartshop";
$db_host = "localhost";
$db_port = "";
$db_user = "root";
$db_password = "";
$db_persistent = false;
$table_prefix = "va_";
$default_language = "en";
// date parameters
$datetime_show_format = array("M", "/", "D", "/", "YY", " ", "h", ":", "mm", " ", "AM");
$date_show_format = array("D", " ", "MMM", " ", "YYYY");
$datetime_edit_format = array("M", "/", "D", "/", "YY", " ", "H", ":", "mm");
$date_edit_format = array("DD", ".", "MM", ".", "YYYY");
// save new date with time shift in seconds (3600 - 1 hour)
//$va_time_shift = 0;
// session settings
$session_prefix = "viartshop";
// if you use multi-site functionality uncomment the following line and specify appropriate id for current site
//$site_id = 1;
// if you use VAT validation uncomment the following line
//$vat_validation = true;
// array of country codes for which VAT check is obligatory
//$vat_obligatory_countries = array("GB");
// array of country codes for which remote VAT check won't be run
//$vat_remote_exception_countries = array("NL");
ok gave up on viarts hosting -- uploaded to godaddy .. funny would you believe it I set up the hosting with php 5 and it didn't work re did it all (about another 1 hr) with php 4 and it works I get the setup shop installation page now I am lost as to choices -- php library type etc and --- oh yeah the manual is pants Wacko