Strange as it may seem I host on Viart's servers!
I have a cart already working but want another in another sub folder. Its been a bit of a task - first I set it up in a folder outside the public_html folder allocated originally. Didn' t work - so support told me to put it in the aforementioned public_html so I did and bingo when I went it got the setup page but with the above error.
And cpanel - don't think its there - viart please note.
I can see the 'includes' in ftp but dont see a permissions
see this - in var_definition.example (which i think from other threads is the suspect --- anyhow
*** ***
*** ViArt Shop 3.5 ***
*** File: var_definition_example.php ***
*** Built: Mon Sep 29 13:15:36 2008 ***
*** ***
*** ***
define("INSTALLED", true); // set to false if you want run install.php
define("DEBUG", true); // debug mode - set false on live site
// database parameters
$db_lib = "mysql"; // mysql | postgre | odbc
$db_type = "mysql"; // mysql | postgre | access | db2
$db_name = "viartshop";
$db_host = "localhost";
$db_port = "";
$db_user = "root";
$db_password = "";
$db_persistent = false;
$table_prefix = "va_";
$default_language = "en";
// date parameters
$datetime_show_format = array("M", "/", "D", "/", "YY", " ", "h", ":", "mm", " ", "AM");
$date_show_format = array("D", " ", "MMM", " ", "YYYY");
$datetime_edit_format = array("M", "/", "D", "/", "YY", " ", "H", ":", "mm");
$date_edit_format = array("DD", ".", "MM", ".", "YYYY");
// save new date with time shift in seconds (3600 - 1 hour)
//$va_time_shift = 0;
// session settings
$session_prefix = "viartshop";
// if you use multi-site functionality uncomment the following line and specify appropriate id for current site
//$site_id = 1;
// if you use VAT validation uncomment the following line
//$vat_validation = true;
// array of country codes for which VAT check is obligatory
//$vat_obligatory_countries = array("GB");
// array of country codes for which remote VAT check won't be run
//$vat_remote_exception_countries = array("NL");