1. Run a "repair" on the database. Most hosts have a Database Repair option listed beside the database names in the webhosting control panel. Ask your host if you need help finding this.
10 Jan 2008 2:16 PM
I have applied a reparation from phpmyadmin.
but its the same.
Denis (Guest)
10 Jan 2008 4:59 PM
We would recommend you to check the session cookie settings in the 'php.ini' file. The session doesn't seem to be working correctly. The possible reason for that may be that PHP can't open a new session in /tmp folder (doesn't have permissions to write to /tmp folder) and all login-related functions in ViArt Shop rely on sessions.
We would suggest contacting your hosting provider to check either PHP settings or /tmp folder permissions.
ViArt Support Team
7 Mar 2008 3:13 AM
my session save path is set to /tmp
but its not working yet.
what must be permissions
777 or 1777 ?
10 Mar 2008 9:30 PM
Did you manage to get this fixed?
I think we've now suffered this.
13 Mar 2008 10:37 PM
no still working on that issue.
i requsted support from viart but they requested money for this.
as soon as i find the solution ,
i will share here.
so maybe they will be ashamed of themselves.
13 Mar 2008 10:49 PM
Are you sure the data admin/223344 are correct?
It just give me an error - 'Password or Login is incorrect'?
It's definately the problem with session settings on the second server. It's better to run phpinfo() function to check if all settings are set correctly and if not changed them accordingly to the first server which seems to be working without this problem.
You have the problems with settings for session.use_cookies as it should be set as 'On'. Just change it value and it should fix all your problems.
14 Mar 2008 12:05 AM
i set it on now
but not workin
also when i try to login it gives me an error on admin page
Notice: A session had already been started - ignoring session_start() in /home/zindemag/public_html/includes/common.php on line 15
14 Mar 2008 12:26 AM
You turned on too many options
You don't need at least the following option session.auto_start and it should be 'Off'.
And I don't think you need 'session.use_only_cookies' option to be 'On'.
14 Mar 2008 12:31 AM
i have set them off
still not workin :D
14 Mar 2008 12:32 AM
but error gone
14 Mar 2008 1:03 AM
You still changed too many options
I think it could be the two last options:
session.cookie_lifetime - '0' - it's a lifetime in seconds of cookie, zero - until browser is restarted
session.cookie_path - '/'
14 Mar 2008 1:17 AM
thanks for your kind support.
how can i thank you ?
14 Mar 2008 2:14 AM
It's pleasure to know that you finally fixed all your problems
Next time I hope it can help someone else to set session settings correctly from the first attempt
thebirdman (Guest)
24 May 2008 12:33 AM
where do i find where this is hiding ?
I think it could be the two last options:
session.cookie_lifetime - '0' - it's a lifetime in seconds of cookie, zero - until browser is restarted
session.cookie_path - '/'
Having the exact same issue
Yarhajile (Guest)
26 Aug 2008 3:04 AM
I know I'm a little late on this, but after running into the same problem I have to ask. Why, with all of the attention paid to detail on the rest of the ViArt experience, did a configurable session management system get overlooked?
Relying on php's default settings for session storage seems strange considering how simple it would be to implement a database storage mechanism or have global configurable options for file-based session storage.
I mention this since we have tens of thousands of unique visits per day and we keep a cookie lifetime of about a week to allow "browsing shoppers" to come back at a later day and still have access to their carts. Storing that many session files in a single location would be very taxing on the system (if using the filesystem for the session management). Even setting the session save path with a directory depth of 3 all but removes any chance of issues with this, but not having these settings as "configurable" options seems strange.
Maybe I just need some enlightenment as the rest of this system seems to be absolutely killer IMO.
15 Oct 2010 9:57 PM
Had the same problem, double checked all the php.ini settings etc. and everything was fine. Finally realized that we had just forced the removal of "www." on our site via the main .htaccess file. That was the issue, apparently viart needs the www in there to operate properly. Front end seemed to work without the www but when customers tried to login the screen would just refresh. Or more specifically, the domain url has to match what is entered in the ViArt Admin "Global Settings"...
Last modified: 15 Oct 2010 10:07 PM
16 Feb 2011 4:44 PM
"i requsted support from viart but they requested money for this."
Thats a disgrace Viart are the biggest money grab company I have ever known imo. No offence but its fact :)
16 Feb 2011 4:59 PM
Tells the person who received upgrade for free, shame on you, snixx.