I'm trying to install ViArt Shop on a godaddy.com server account. My phpinfo.php file says that "Zend Technologies with Zend Optimizer v2.5.7" is installed and running. However, when I go to my initial ViArt upload directory to initiate the install I get the error message:
Fatal error: Corrupted encoded data detected in /home/content/w/i/l/wilay/html/shop/includes/va_functions.php on line 0
It looks like it's not able to decode the Zend-encoded data. Any advice?
3 Aug 2007 9:55 AM
The problem you have faced has to do with the uploading Zend Encoded files in the 'includes' folder. Please, make sure that you have uploaded files within the 'includes' folder to your web server using BINARY mode in your FTP program. More details can be found here http://www.viart.com/faq_all
Also, please check whether the compatible version of Zend Optimizer is installed.
For PHP 5.x you need to use Zend Optimizer 3.2 or later.
For PHP 4.x - Zend 2.6.2 is recommended.
For PHP 4.2.x - Zend 2.6.2 is recommended.
With regards,
ViArt Support Team
Lubosh (Guest)
31 May 2008 11:42 AM
I have followed these instructions and am still getting an error...! My website is on a Windows server with Zend installed, I re-copied files in binary mode, and have the database (mySql) ready... Can you please sugest what else can I try?
emresonmez (Guest)
2 Jun 2008 7:34 PM
Lubosh change your hosting to Linux. And then upload files in your includes folder in BINARY mode. There should be no problem
Lubosh (Guest)
3 Jun 2008 5:21 AM
Hmm, I've done that, and made sure to do a Binary transfer, but now I'm getting just a blank page (with the redirected URL to install.php)
No idea, maybe I'll start again..? Third time lucky?
emresonmez (Guest)
3 Jun 2008 5:53 PM
Log in to your Account Manager.
Click Hosting Account List under My Products on the left.
Click the Open link under the Control panel heading for the hosting account you wish to manage.
Click Languages under the Content section.
Click the radio button next to PHP 5.x.
Click Continue.
Click Update.
emresonmez (Guest)
3 Jun 2008 10:50 PM
If still not working, simple re-upload all non-image files to your server again.
Lubosh (Guest)
4 Jun 2008 3:54 AM
Hmm - php is version 4.4.8 and Zend Optimizer is 3.2.8 - could that possibly be a problem? I'm not really able to downgrade Zend, or upgrade php as this is shared hosting...
But I will try to recopy the includes directory one more time using Binary transfer...
Lubosh (Guest)
4 Jun 2008 5:02 AM
People - I am seriously confused here... The installation guide tells me to change permissions on var_definition.php in the includes folder. But there is no such file...?!?
Setup using PHP 4 and not PHP 5. You can downgrade your PHP version from 5 to 4. This might help you
3 Jul 2009 4:20 PM
I have had the above problem before and it has always been caused by a Zend encoded file being corrupted. I have had the Zend encoded files corrupted by moving them to another place on my computer after they were unzipped.
Download a fresh version of the free version of Viart and unzip it, delete the corrupted file on your server and upload a new un-corrupted version of the file from your computer in binary format with your FTP program.