Our site www.viart.com site is operated by latest Viart Shop 5 with default Clear design
Topic Information
I talked with Support at Godaddy and email Vito from Viart on an issue I am having on 3 websites. I get Your session has expired a lot. I log in to the admin then click on the orders section and it goes right to Your session has expired. So I log in again and I am at orders if I view or click on other links same thing. after awhile it seems to get better but now customers are complaining.
Godaddy response
We have reviewed your account and could not find any issues with your hosting plan. The type of error you are experiencing is most likely caused by coding or scripting. Because we do not provide coding support, we are unable to determine what specifically in your code may be causing the error.
Viart Response
ViArt Shop doesn't control sessions in any way and just using them accordingly to server settings.
Problem with sessions could due to one of the following reasons:
- due to php settings your server use
- due to the lack of free space for sessions on server
- due to any other server problems
One support says coding and scripting one says server settings.
Anyone have an Idea?
I was thinking that maybe Godaddy as a shared host has a shared tmp folder and other sessions are causing issue with mine.
Shouldn't be caused by sessions with other users. Could be an issue with your ISP, or an issue with your .htaccess file.
I have 4 web shops setup on godaddy linux hosting 3 of the 4 suffer from this problem. The one that isn't having the issue is the newest install with paid license. The other 3 are free shops due to only a having a dozen items or less. Do you use the .htaccess file can you give me an example of how the session would be set there. I can search if you don't use and don't have an example.
Well after little to no help from Godaddy support I seem to have solved the issues. I had to modify my php5.ini file and create a writable temp folder in the root directory. I can see the session data and everything is working correctly.