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We operate three Viart shops and are pretty happy. They are working fine, except that we had issues with the lack of a reporting module.
So, based on a framework, we built our own statistics portal for Viart.
I'd like to share some screenshots with you as I think we all would like more data and graphics on how our shops are performing.
The portal connects to your Viart shop. It can be connected to multiple shops too.
Main features:
- Revenue overview with % changes
- Top customers + revenue
- Various sales stats on your customers and products
- Reports on EU revenues & EU-VAT sales important for those companies in EU who need to report EU sales
- Forecast for current month based on run rates of current month
- Complete user and role management system to control access and content
And a lot more...
Would you be interested to use such a system and if so what would you feel needs to be added and/or improved.
Note the attached screens are from our system with a demo database.
Looking forward to your comments and feedback.
Last modified: 9 Jan 2009 7:33 PM
This looks great. My 2 cents would be:
report taxes by tax type
make reports east to print
Che (Guest)
Che (Guest)
Very interesting How much does it cost?
We're not sure yet as we'd like to offer this as a hosted solution at a small monthly fee.
Advantage is that you'd be up and running in no time and we can centrally add new features which benefit everyone. As data is only read from your Viart and not stored on our servers, there is no privacy issue.
So, feedback on if that is an OK model is appreciated.
Che (Guest)
Che (Guest)
We operate 2 shops and interested in it - but hosted solution is impossible for us Sad
Yes, I know and same applies to us with our three shops. I'm tossing ideas around but think we'll have to offer the package as non-hosted, which is what I expected to hear anyway :) .
One thing we'd like to add are time based email reports (e.g. daily sales overviews).
Any other ideas, suggestions, thoughts? Pricing suggestions?
Hope to get you a demo site soon so you can play around.
Last modified: 9 Jan 2009 7:33 PM
Che (Guest)
Che (Guest)
Hope to get you a demo site soon so you can play around.
O`key! Ideas appear in play!Smile
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UPDATE: We've added an interactive maps function to the statistics console. See attached screenshots.
Maps1 = Overview of the world with mouse over current revenue status
Maps2 = Clicked on a continent and showing the revenue status per country (dark green is top revenue, shading to light grey for no revenue - shading depending on revenue status for country)
Maps3 = Current revenue for a country
The above is also available as pie chat below this graphic for a single quick overview.
Ibn Saeed
Ibn Saeed
Hello DickS
Thats great feature
This is what I asked from Viart, to include Reporting Charts.
Would you contribute it to the community ?
We are looking at getting input from you guys re. feature set and then plan to offer it as an add-on to Viart.
Ibn Saeed
Ibn Saeed
oh alright.
I'm bumping this back to the top because there is news. Our developers have completed the initial demo version and beginning next week you can expect a link to play with it live.
It will have a feedback section which will allow you to tell us what you would like to see changed, what you think is missing and of course what you like Smile.
Stay tuned for a live link soon.
ewoud (Guest)
ewoud (Guest)
can't wait!
Dick - this really interests me.
There are a number of reports and analysis I need but I will give you my thoughts when you have got to the next stage.
Excellent initiative!
Chris, that is why there is a feedback form in the demo system Smile.
Will be back soon with the link, stay tuned.
KiwiSurfer (Guest)
KiwiSurfer (Guest)
hhhmmm , 18 days and still no link.
Wonder why ???
So what ever happened with this? Did this whole idea go away?
DickS - How about an update?
Dan, your timing is perfect. Our developers just completed the demo system today.
Please feel free to test and play with it here:
We've deactivated the user management, normally you can add users and assign them roles and features of the backend.
Notice that in the top right, once logged in, you will see a pulldown menu. If you have multiple Viart shops (like we have) you can connect to all of them from there.
The demo system is pretty much a copy of the production system we currently use. Tailored to suit EU businesses so I'm eager to hear feedback on what you would need for your business.
PS: Apologies to everyone for the delay - as you all know day to day rev gen business has priority. And our developer doing this on the side was on holidays for a week too. Anyway, its now here :).
Last modified: 7 Apr 2009 4:47 PM
Any feedback?
Dan (Guest)
Dan (Guest)
I actually just now got a chance to look at this. I do like the functionality of this, Im just thinking of the reports that could be possible.
maybe if you had different reports that could be created by the user, with field options to pull from, that would be cool.
I'm going to play around a little bit more with this, and will provide feedback via the site.
Current status update: We've had two people showing interest in this tool - generally it seems there is a much lower interest level in a reporting tool then I had thought, so we will probably not offer this to the public as it stands now.
Hello DickS, I would be interested in this, is it totally dead?
Dick, perhaps those two could still get a look in?