Our site www.viart.com site is operated by latest Viart Shop 5 with default Clear design
Topic Information
battleaxe (Guest)
battleaxe (Guest)
Is there a particular size for the 'tiny' image to be? I have to upload them via ftp as I am using png and viart cannot render png transparency?
Sorry to add to this post, but I also puzzled about where the tiny image shows.
'Tiny' images are used for the basket page.
You have to upload them via FTP to small, large and super-sized folders correspondingly in case you want to preserve transparency.
So far it is the only possible way to keep the transparency as auto uploader which is used in the Admin console is unable to resize the images and save the transparency.( The preferable sizes for the tiny images are: 32x32 or 64x64).
If you don't use the transparency you can use ViArt Admin panel to upload your images.
For this please, go to Admin > Products > Products settings > Images ,tick off all the checkboxes , put the sizes you would like to have for your images and set Images Restrictions , update the changes. Then go to Admin > Products > Products Categories > your product > Edit > Images and upload your images.
With regards,
ViArt Support Team
I have had some custom work done to show images on my packing slips - I have a vast number of products and it helps the stock pickers.
Whilst I use .png images as a rule I found that these would not show on the packing slip so all my 'tiny' images are .jpg.
I upload images into folders inside the tiny folder and type the path into the product edit.
I hope this is helpful.
cheesebrie (Guest)
cheesebrie (Guest)
When comes to customizing layouts and graphics. Is there an option to use Front Page or any other html editing program or only through the administrative menu in the cart?
I do not like the generic look.