I just install viart but after finish install, the site home page is showing error:
Database error: Invalid SQL: SELECT a.article_id, a.article_title, a.friendly_url, a.article_date, a.short_description, a.image_small, a.image_small_alt, a.hot_description, a.is_remote_rss, a.details_remote_url FROM va_articles a , va_articles_statuses st , va_articles_assigned aa , va_articles_categories ac WHERE a.status_id=st.status_id AND a.article_id=aa.article_id AND aa.category_id=ac.category_id AND (ac.category_id=1 OR ac.category_path LIKE '0,1,%') AND a.is_hot=1 AND st.allowed_view=1 GROUP BY a.article_id, a.image_small, a.image_small_alt, a.short_description, a.hot_description, a.article_date, a.date_end, a.article_title, a.friendly_url, a.author_name, a.article_order, a.date_added, a.date_updated ORDER BY a.article_date DESC LIMIT 2 OFFSET 0
PostgreSQL Error Message: ERROR: column "a.is_remote_rss" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function
Session halted.
The website address is
http://www.tectonictech.com/index.php. I am not sure what happened. I can get into the admin page but not site home.