I have the usual V4 USPS shipping methods, and they all work fine. But I tried to add another method for a case when the customer needs to have a 'free' or 'no cost' shipping method to choose, for example when the customer sends us a helmet to fix and we do not charge any fees for the fix.
I set up the method inside USPS V4, but it does not show when I check out. I have attached the checkout view (which is missing the 'free' method which we need to see) and the setup for the method we want to use.
Any suggestions would be appreciated!
14 May 2015 8:05 PM
You need to create this method outside of USPS module for example in Custom Shipping. USPS retrieves methods and their rates by Shipping Code and as there is no "Installation" method in USPS it does not show up on checkout.