How can I view her basket - surely this must be a simple admin function?
14 Sep 2008 10:02 PM
From what I can tell, only the user can pull this up, AND, they need the cart name.
You can log into the customer's account and click on the saved carts, to see it, but I don't think we can retrieve it.
Saved carts to me is useless
15 Sep 2008 7:52 AM
Thanks, Dan, I thought that would be the answer. The last time I retrieved a basket was by going into the database- can't see my staff being allowed to do that!!
16 Sep 2008 12:10 AM
You mean you don't want to allow your staff access to the bones of the site? Really? haha. Just kidding.. yeah... that's sooooo surprising.
I cannot believe we cannot add/edit ALL the things a customer should be able to see.