I am sure it is there somewhere in the manual, but I can't find it. Is there a place I can change the review options
We just don't have bad and poor products. I know it is a bit like big and extra large burgers (really being small and medium,) but McDonald's have a huge marketing department and I am sure there is a reason they don't have minuscule and tiny burgers...
So, I would just like to have average, good, excellent and really fantastic!
Kind regards
23 Apr 2008 9:37 AM
Excellent point, Kim.
I would like to follow you on this one so hope we get an answer.
5 May 2008 5:55 PM
You can edit the rating criteria by changing the message value in the "static messages" section. The bad, good, etc definitions are in a section called "reviews messages". Note that you can make these say whatever you like, but you still must adhere to the 5-tier system. If you want to cut down to say, 3 choices, I believe you must edit the PHP since there are calculations involved in computing the average response.