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Lubosh (Guest)
Lubosh (Guest)
I have just copied files over to a hosting service - it is a Windows web space, I checked ZEND is installed, and have the database ready, but am getting this error:
Fatal error: This encoded file is corrupted. Please refer to http://www.zend.com/support/support_faq.php?id=loader_file_corrupt for further help in D:\hshome\lubosh\delicashop.borderemail.com\includes\date_functions.php on line 0
Can you please tell me how to get around it?
jty (Guest)
jty (Guest)
I have the same problem
I am trying to install Viart on my local PC running xampp 1.6.7
xampp is supposed to be bundled with zend
Does anyone know where I start looking to fix this please?
My settings in php.ini are:
zend_extension_ts = "C:\myData\wwwroot\xampp\php\zendOptimizer\lib\ZendExtensionManager.dll"
zend_extension_manager.optimizer_ts = "C:\myData\wwwroot\xampp\php\zendOptimizer\lib\Optimizer"
zend_optimizer.enable_loader = 1
;zend_optimizer.license_path =
; Local Variables:
; tab-width: 4
; End:
From my phpinfo
Zend Optimizer
Optimization Pass 1 enabled
Optimization Pass 2 enabled
Optimization Pass 3 enabled
Optimization Pass 4 enabled
Optimization Pass 9 disabled
Zend Loader enabled
License Path no value
Obfuscation level 3
Any ideas please
jty (Guest)
jty (Guest)
Google tells me that the reason is because the files need to be uploaded in "binary"
jty (Guest)
jty (Guest)
For those who maybe looking for the answer -
If you are getting this error with Viart installed on a webhost, try re-uploading Viart using "binary" mode.
If you are getting this error when installing on your local PC using xampp, then do the following:
Make sure you have a version of xampp that includes Zend Optimiser installed eg the latest version.
You then need to activate Zend like so:
In the following files:
Find the zend section. Find the following line:
zend_optimizer.enable_loader = 0
Change it to:
zend_optimizer.enable_loader = 1
I only changed the php.ini in the apache folder and the php folder.
If you have any other problems, try googling the error message you receive.
Google knows everything Broad grin