I hit "Next" and I keep getting the message "PHP functions for mysql are not defined. Please check your database settings in your configuration file - php.ini."
I've got the following installed on Windows:
PHP 5.2.2,
MySQL 5.0.41,
Apache 2.2,
Zend Optimizer 3.2.8
My c:/php/php.ini file contains the line: extension=php_mysqli.dll
Also - I've successfully tested php files connecting and retrieving MySQL data prior to this ViArt installation attempt.
Within the php.ini file I've got settings for [MySQLi] but not [MySQL] as recommended for MySQL 5.
Are there other settings within php.ini that need updating for ViArt 3.1 installation???
Please help!!!!
Eugene (Guest)
25 May 2007 12:43 PM
ViArt Shop uses common MySQL client library (php_mysql.dll), not improved one (php_mysqli.dll).
So, please uncomment the following line in the php.ini file (just remove semicolon before it):
ViArt Support team
edd (Guest)
26 May 2007 2:07 AM
Thanks Eugene! That worked!
Although I'm not sure I understand why...
If the following 2 lines are uncommented in the php.ini:
Doesn't that mean that ViArt will want to use all the settings under [MySQL] instead of all the settings under [MySQLi] in the php.ini??
4 Jun 2007 2:58 PM
I have both
uncommented in my php.ini but I still get this error.
Do you have any suggestions?
Eugene (Guest)
5 Jun 2007 9:17 AM
Hi Theo,
Please check that parameter "extension_dir" is set correctly in your php.ini file.
ViArt Support Team
I have both
uncommented in my php.ini but I still get this error.
Do you have any suggestions?
brad (Guest)
18 Jun 2007 12:06 PM
Hi Theo,
I've tried both the ideas above and i'm still getting the same error!? The same as above: When i search the php.ini file for "extension_dir" it can't find any listing for it in the file....
My local settings are:
Database Type: MySQL
Hostname: localhost
Database name: test
Username: root
Password: *****
Please check that parameter "extension_dir" is set correctly in your php.ini file.
ViArt Support Team
I have both
uncommented in my php.ini but I still get this error.
Do you have any suggestions?
brad (Guest)
18 Jun 2007 12:27 PM
Hi again,
Scratch the post above (from me)
I just search the php.ini files again and the extension_dir is pointing to extension_dir ="C:\Program Files\PHP\ext" which is the correct directory for the files but i still get this error.... my settings are
Database Type: MySQL
Hostname: localhost
Database name: test
Username: root
Password: *****
Please check that parameter "extension_dir" is set correctly in your php.ini file.
ViArt Support Team
I have both
uncommented in my php.ini but I still get this error.
Do you have any suggestions?
brad (Guest)
20 Jun 2007 2:54 AM
Ok i finally fixed this problem!
The information Eugene left solves half the problem:
You need to go into the folder you installed you php program in and edit the php.ini file using notepad. and remove the semi colon before the "extension=php_mysql.dll"
You then need to check the "extension_dir" entry (which shoul be somewhere near by in the php.ini file.
make sure this extension_dir points to where the file "php_mysql.dll" file lives on your hard drive (in my case it was extension_dir="C:\Program Files\PHP\ext")
This is where problem 2 begins: if you go to your php folder and it does not have a subfolder "\ext" then the problem is... when php was installing itself it didn't install the "extensions" files on you hard drive. If this is the case goto the add remove programs section in the control panel and click the "change" option to reconfiger php. add the extensions option to php and follow the installation prompts.
If this still doesn't work then it's a problem with mysql.
(ps. if you EVER reinstall mysql make sure you once you unistalled it you go to the command prompt start/run and type cmd and at the prompt type "sc delete mysql" that will remove the program from the registry and save you ALOT of headaches!)
Hope this made sense and helps!
Kumar (Guest)
2 Nov 2007 2:23 AM
I have php version I have problem with mysql connection. In php.ini, i did not find "extension=php_mysql.dll" & "xtension=php_mysql.dll ".
Please help me solve this problem.
teste (Guest)
4 Dec 2007 2:20 AM
I trying install the viart shop free and I'm stuck with problem
PHP functions for mysql are not defined. Please check your database settings in your configuration file - php.ini.
Can you please help me,
Best regards,
kidmarmite (Guest)
18 Jan 2008 8:27 PM
I'm having the same problem. Same error. Extension dir is correct and the mysql extension is uncommented. MySQL is set up correctly.
Not sure where to look next.
- kidmarmite
Praveen kumar (Guest)
18 Mar 2008 10:02 AM
I have same problem but after getting your advice its solved.
Praveen kumar (Guest)
18 Mar 2008 10:24 AM
1. Error:-mysql_connect() invalid function error
Resolved:- By Updating php.ini file
just make somechanges and its running sucsesfully.
(1) First make change in
extension=php_mysql.dll(remove ; from this line)in php.ini.
(2) Second Make full path off ext
extension_dir ="C:\Program Files\IndigoPerl\php\ext" rather than ext.
2. Error:- to run Viart_cms(Zend installation error)
Download Zend and Viart_CMS from viart.com nad zend.com
and installed for zend php.ini path set to c:/indigoperl/php