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Viart Shop (Standard Edition)

PHP Shopping Cart
The ultimate ViArt Shopping Cart
Content Management System


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Viart Shop is a PHP e-commerce package supporting MySQL, PostgreSQL and ODBC connected databases. Viart Shop aims to create a single system capable of performing all the functions required to run your business online...

Key features include:
Fully featured Shopping Cart
Shopping Basket with advanced Sales Mechanisms (Product reviews and ratings, Product Discounting mechanism, Shipping and Stock mechanisms, etc).
Web-based Administration with Order Maintenance, Product Maintenance, User/Shopper Maintenance, Vendor Maintenance, multiple payment processing capabilities (including support of Verisign, Paypal and Authorize.net payment systems).
From version 2.0 ViArt Shop supports 'Downloadable products' - especially useful for software companies selling their products via the Internet.
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Standard Edition includes all the features required to build a powerful Web-Shop; the integrated Events, News and FAQ systems can all be combined with the ViArt CMS - a Web based tool to allow easy content and layout management of your products and pages.
Compatible with
Google checkout PayPal
Protx YourPay
iDEAL E-Gold
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