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Viart Shop (Light Edition)

Powerful PHP Shopping Cart
MySQL, PostgreSQL, ODBC support
Web-based Administration
100% templates-driven
Multiple Payment systems support


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Viart Shop is an e-commerce package available to install in PHP. It supports MySQL and PostgreSQL databases as well as ODBC connected databases.

Key features include:
Shopping Basket with advanced Sales Mechanisms (Products reviews and ratings, Discounts mechanism, Shipping and Stock mechanisms, etc), Web-based Administration with Order Maintenance, Product Maintenance, User/Shopper Maintenance, Vendor Maintenance, multiple payment processing capabilities (including support of Verisign, Paypal and Authorize.net payment systems).
From version 2.0 ViArt Shop supports 'Downloadable products' especially useful for software companies selling their products via the Internet.
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Light Edition could be easily integrated into any system widely utilizing the power of templates and web-administration tools. It provides an easy, quick and flexible web interface that allows adding high performance Shopping basket to your web site. If you need more features you will be able to upgrade to either Standard or Enterprise versions of ViArt Shop any time.
Compatible with
Google checkout PayPal
Protx YourPay
iDEAL E-Gold
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