'Add to Cart' function does not work correctly in 'Shopping Cart: Recommended Products' block. In some browsers it shows errors and adds to cart wrong products, in others nothing happens after clicking Add to Cart.
Extract 'block_basket_recommended.php' in 'blocks' folder and 'block_basket_recommended.html' in templates/user' folder of your shop replacing existing files. Please do not forget to make a backup copy of the current files in case something goes wrong.
Last modified: 10 Jan 2013 12:08 PM
9 Jan 2013 10:57 AM
This patch is not working for IE. When adding more then one recommended product to shopping cart the "added message" is replaced with just the word "error" and the product is not added.
10 Jan 2013 12:10 PM
This patch is not working for IE. When adding more then one recommended product to shopping cart the "added message" is replaced with just the word "error" and the product is not added.