Hi, I have just completed the shopping cart installation and the shop has been installed fine but when I try to access the admin area I get:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '[' in /homepages/21/d440682368/htdocs/e-cart/includes/va_functions.php on line 149
Has anyone experienced this before or have any idea how to correct it?
28 Jun 2009 1:11 PM
Re-upload the file va_functions.php, make sure it is in uploaded in binary format or it will not work right.
28 Jun 2009 3:16 PM
I have uploaded in binary
thanks but still got this error.
and the lines on the php file finish on about line 8, line 149 is blank!
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '[' in /homepages/21/d140682959/htdocs/e-cart/includes/va_functions.php on line 149
2 Jul 2009 4:19 PM
va_functions.php readable code ends on line 17 after that there is a blank line and then 2 lines of Zend Code. You can't read line 149 because it is encrypted. If you have re-uploaded the file in binary and it still has a problem then you have a corrupt file and need to re-down load the program and make sure you do not corrupt the file by moving it after it is un-zipped. Be sure to download in zip format unzip delete the present va_functions.php and upload the new va_functions.php in binary format, I have had a problem getting some FTP programs to upload in binary properly.
2 Jul 2009 5:47 PM
I had a similar problem. I think I did these two things:
1. Re-uploaded the includes folder and files in binary format
2. changed includes folder privileges to 777 (maybe that's too much, but see if it gets admin to open)
If it's still not working, re-read the ViArt install instructions carefully, and search the forum. There are several other postings on this somewhere. Good luck.
2 Jul 2009 6:50 PM
Thanks for all your help. The problem was the php.ini file needed to be copied to the admin folder as well as the main index. Yoda did this for me and it solved the issue.