When we're looking for a base to build on for our shops, it's aweful to open up the .CSS files ONLY to find that when you open it, it's full of old code that doesn't belong. I.E 'Greeting Greeting Block'.
If we purchase, which seems like just another way to get money on ViArt's part, a New Design Layout, will it include all of the correct .css coding or full of old stuff we don't need as well?
I'm looking to find a file that has ALL of the .css stylesheet codes, with the ones not being used in the sheet commented out. I believe this would help EVERYONE on designing their own sheets.
14 Dec 2010 3:30 PM
This is in reference to Version 4.0+ Designs as the topic states
14 Dec 2010 4:10 PM
The Greetings part does not exists anymore in the new version
14 Dec 2010 4:19 PM
umm... did you read the original post?
- Yes, the greeting part doesn't exist anymore.
THEREFORE!!!! if you open the .css stylesheets in the new version 4.0 download, why is that block of code still listed? Why aren't the other ones listed that we CAN use...
NOW does this make sense?
14 Dec 2010 4:20 PM
sorry if I sound aggravated... I AM. Not at you, but at the fact that they spent over a year working on these changes, and they didnt' design at least ONE fluent new stylesheet.
29 Dec 2010 4:33 PM
I agree!
I have also found several misspellings in the css-files AND in the PHP-files, which could be devastating! Another annoying thing is that in many places the language variables is not used, which makes it impossible to not change the templates to be able to translate all of the website! Nad now that I have started using the new version I have change all of theese files one more time.. Yippie!
30 Dec 2010 2:56 PM
ViArt, are you releasing a new layout for use to use as a basis? One that's made specifically for 4.0.5?
1 Feb 2011 3:55 PM
TODCO, you make perfect sense, especially since the need for the base style sheets to be completely redone has been an issue on this forum since before I arrived on the scene 2 years ago.
If Viart truly desires to be an e-commerce contender, they have got to get past the "nickle and dime" pricing philosophy and offer the design and development community a clean base structure in both templates and styles. If that means raising the price of Viart, so be it.
If I have to completely redo a style sheet and fix errors and omissions I'm much less likely to choose that program, and I know I'm not alone in this. And if my only option is to have to buy another non-stock layout, that puts me off the program even more.
2 Feb 2011 10:23 AM
I can't argue at the price - it is good that people on limited budgets can get such quality product.
Perhaps the answer would be for Viart to offer just a couple of straightforward simple templates and then sell from a wide range of template choice?
The same for features - we don't each of us need everything so I could buy low cost and then take add-ons from Viart.
We must remember the economic climate and appreciate the commercial value that Viart is.
So, what about it Viart - a basic template and style sheet that is straightforward, easy to understand, to develop : plus a wider range of templates and style sheets for off-the-shelf choice?
2 Feb 2011 5:51 PM
Also with cost. They would have so many other people buying templates from them if they would just decrease their customized template cost. I for one cannot afford to have them customize me a template, so i am forced to go to a freelance website and bid out for it. I would prefer to have viart do my templates, but $$ is always a factor.