Our site www.viart.com site is operated by latest Viart Shop 5 with default Clear design
Topic Information
kim (Guest)
kim (Guest)
I am testing Paypal in the sandbox, but sandbox keeps paaing the order as already paid.
Looking on their forum it is a problem where you have multiple sites, and as soon as Viart tries to pass an invoice number through the Sandbox that has already been paid on your other website, Paypal will not pass the order as according to paypal, that invoice has already been paid.
Is it possible to start invoice numbers at the administrators setting?
At present, there is no such possibility in ViArt admin console, however you can easily update the last order id in the database by running the query like below:
UPDATE va_orders SET order_id=#new_order_id WHERE order_id=#last_order_id;
After this all new orders will be created with the value #last_order_id + 1
With regards,
ViArt Support Team
Changing the ViArt order number sequence is a very important function for an existing business to be able to do to coordinate with their existing order numbers if they are moving to ViArt (like myself).
I guess the above is easy if one doesn't fear messing with their database. It kind of freaked me out making several attempts. Finally, I got it. (I used myphpadmin to do it.)
Here's a real life example that finally worked:
SQL query:
UPDATE `dbname_viartshop`.`va_orders` SET `order_id` = '2543' WHERE `va_orders`.`order_id` = '2543';
The above started my next order at 2544.
I had the same problem.
I wanted my Viart shop to start at 100000
I am not so sophisticated with SQL so for anyone like me this also works very easily.
I just went to myPHPadmin and edited the last test sale record I had made to have an order number of 99999.
When the first order came in with an order number 100000 I simply deleted my test orders - which I could do in the admin panel. Smile