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Topic Information
jayxflash (Guest)
jayxflash (Guest)
Hi all,
I tried to install the Free version of ViArt, in order to test this software, but at step 3 (Choose Template), the page is loading, but under the line "Please select a site layout. You will be able to change the layout afterwards. " it appears the line "Installation process already finished." and the software doesnt want to proceed to the next step. I tried to reinstall 10 times I think, I reinstalled from zero the apache, php and mysql, but still the same :(
is this error familiar to you?
Last modified: 24 Jan 2007 12:35 PM
It seems that you have problems with the session cookies. Please check if you have turned on cookies support in your browser and check your session settings in your php.ini as 'session.save_path' sometimes can point to the wrong folder.
ViArt Support Team