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info for paypal setup killing the paypal customer comment field
If you want to suppress the customer comment field in the paypal system:
In the viart payment systems> paypal> Edit Payment System
Add the constant “no_note” with a value of 1.
This will supress the paypal field for customer entered notes.
There is a secondary document from paypal that gives a little more info on the variables available.
Hey, I'll mention another PayPal phenomenon that was driving me nuts. I use PayPal pro (based in USA), and about half of my Canada orders were failing with error 10356. The cart gave an error to the customer but had actually posted the payment. One customer paid 3 times... awkward!
Here is what caused the PayPal pro error:
1. Credit card gateways check 90% plus of USA orders and 50% of Canada orders with AVS. Other countries have lower checking rates but this will change. (I also had failed orders from Holland and Australia.)
2. If AVS checks an address, it MUST find the postal abbreviation for states and provinces. It calls it "failed" if Quebec or Ontario is spelled out.
3. I was protected on USA orders by the drop down list of states, but Canada orders had a text box entry for provinces. So some of my customers were putting in the full province name.
4. My fix for now is a note next to the province textbox that says "use postal abbreviation". Working so far.
5. Another factor is that PayPal pro lets you weaken the standards for a matching credit card address so an order is more likely to go through. I had this set low because I've never had an order on a bad card.
IDEA - It could be efficient for all of us including ViArt, to have a "how-to" category in the forum, so we could post a clear solution to things like this each of us figure out. Yes, they need better documentation. But meantime...
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