Our site www.viart.com site is operated by latest Viart Shop 5 with default Clear design
Topic Information
I want to default the 'Subscribe to Newsletter' to be checked.
I know how to get this checkbox is enabled to be shown on screen by enabling 'Subscription' block under the Profile->Pre Defined fields settings.
But I dont know how to then make it enabled (Checked) by default on the actual page.
Any Help?
Additional points
I have tried modifying this line in block_user_profile.html
<input type="checkbox" name="subscribe" {subscribe} value="1"/> {SUBSCRIBE_CHECKBOX_MSG}</label>
to be::
<input type="checkbox" name="subscribe" {subscribe} value="1" checked/> {SUBSCRIBE_CHECKBOX_MSG}</label>
But this doesnt seem to be being picked up when the form is submitted?
your solution must work. are you sure you have edited the right file?
Yes, and as a test I changed the PHP code for the page to REQUIRED for the check box and if I click submit it reports that its still "required"??
I want to make sure I have touched all the bases