I've been able to set up my payment gateway (Ogone, for Belgian users) for succesful payments. Can anyone help me with the next step ? I get the following response from my payment provider :
href="http://www.bartokshop.be/shop/page.php?page=accepturl&orderID=1196332776¤cy=EUR&amount=86%2E89&PM=CreditCard& ACCEPTANCE=test123&STATUS=5&CARDNO=XXXXXXXXXXXX1111&PAYID=1950384&NCERROR=0&BRAND=VISA&IPCTY=BE&CCCTY=US&ECI=12&CVCCheck=NO& AAVCheck=NO&VC=NO&SHASIGN=E1F642F5480E63F08B614EA7873142EA3C2C78AE&IP=62.***.206.*"
I know I need tot change
But can anyone help me which script uses identical or similar input from another provider, so I can transform it to work with Ogone?
For example, the STATUS=5 means that the order has been authorized, but not payed for.
If I don't work process the returned data from the payment server, the orders will still be open and the shopping cart will not be emptied.
Thanks in advance,
Jan Geurts
Foto Video Bartok N.V.