I think you problem is the php page (cart_messages.php or shopping_cart.php or another of you php pages) was saved in Windows format not Unix format and has extra spaces in the file. Try saving your pages in a text editor that can save pages in Unix mode.
HTML-Kit build 292 is a free text editor that can do this. In HTML-Kit you would save as extra in Unix format.
You can get HTML-Kit for free at
This problem happens sometimes when you unzip the downloaded files on a Widows computer and then upload to a Unix server.
You can check for this usually with you FTP program by comparing the file byte size on your computer to the file byte size on the web site the php page files should be the same size, when you are having this problem the file on you desktop computer is larger than the file on the Unix server.
Never never use Windows Notepad, WordPad or Word to open php files because this can also cause extra spaces to php files