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Does the google checkout API require an SSL ? I see that level 1 integration does not require one, but level 2 integration does.
Thank you!
Eugene (Guest)
Eugene (Guest)
During Checkout process visitor is redirected to Google Checkout site using https protocol.
After payment Google redirects customer back. In this case you can use either http or https protocol.
Is it what you mean. If not< please describe the problem in more details.
ViArt Support team
Does the google checkout API require an SSL ? I see that level 1 integration does not require one, but level 2 integration does.
Thank you!
Hi Eugene -
I am sorry for my vagueness, I should have been clearer! I signed up for an Google checkout account and was trying to set it up to match with my cart. The notes in the Google API say this:
Also you have to go to 'Settings, Integration' and set in field 'API callback URL' your URL to google_checkout.php
For example: http://www.your_site.com/payments/google_checkout.php
and set 'Callback method' to 'XML'.
When I do that in my google account, it states that the http MUST be a https://
So I guess my question is... is this step necessary to make the Google API function properly? Or does this step do something that is not required? If it is necessary, then I have answered my own question that yes you need an SSL.
Thank you for your help..... is there a help page for the google checkout API? I have the notes that show up in the admin area, but I admit that I was still slightly confused!
Eugene (Guest)
Eugene (Guest)
When I do that in my google account, it states that the http MUST be a https://
So I guess my question is... is this step necessary to make the Google API function properly? Or does this step do something that is not required? If it is necessary, then I have answered my own question that yes you need an SSL.
Yes, this step is required and you need to set this URL using https protocol if Google requires it.
Thank you for your help..... is there a help page for the google checkout API? I have the notes that show up in the admin area, but I admit that I was still slightly confused!
We plan to prepare an article in our online manual that will cover Google Checkout settig up procedure.
As it's not finished yet you can try the general documentation that can be found here http://checkout.google.com/support/sell/?hl=en_GB
Hope it will help to clarify some issues.
ViArt Support Team
satyen (Guest)
satyen (Guest)
I have set up the API callback URL.
It is saving but google checkout is not re-directing to this defined page. It still remiaing on google checkout page and show that order has been successfully placed.
Can you guide me about this problem.