The new cms is on the whole a much nicer design so well done on that.
One thing that I have wasted hours on today was working out why custom layouts I was defining in custom pages were not showing as I expected. This post for the record relates to the page admin_cms_page_layout.php.
Its because the VITAL SETTING that switches between the default page layout for a custom page and the custom layout such as the one in front of you whilst your editing it, isn't actually directly visible on the same page like it was before v4!
You have to click the little settings button and get this small popup box and then in the first "Layout Type" field set it to custom.
This is incredibly unclear and hidden and im sure others are going to get really stuck here. Having made the entire custom layout interface more flexible youve gone and made the setting to enable it so hidden i bet some wont ever use the feature.
I would seriously recommend, for the sake of less support tickets that you move that option from the hidden pop-up box to the main page like it was before as this setting is vital and not some optional extra.
24 Nov 2010 10:34 AM
We didn't mean to hide anything, it just seemed more logic to add settings in the settings pop-up box. Anyway to avoid any possible confusion we have removed Custom Layout setting from pop-up box and moved it to CMS page next to Layout columns drop-down. This patch is available here: