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sagelike (Guest)
sagelike (Guest)
Hi there
What exactly does this field mean:
"Maximum downloads allowed from different IP per month"
It's not explained in the manual other than a screen shot with 10 in the field. I read it as setting a limit on the number of IP addresses that may download a product but that doesn't make sense because there can be an unlimited number of IPs. It must mean something else.
Please explain. Is there a way to set it to unlimited it. If I leave it blank, it seems to default to zero.
thanks for your help.
I don't have an answer to your question other than:
Like so many other things in this great application, it is not well documented and sadly a "play with it and see" approach.
Viart has not seen fit to keep their manuals up to date, even while taking a long time between updates. One would think that with more than 30 people working on the software, they could have one or two of them working on the manual updates so that it would only be a rev or two back.
I feel your pain.
sagelike (Guest)
sagelike (Guest)
Hi BestFit
Thanks for the response. I feel the same way. I like the software though documentation seems fairly slim in some cases. Some of the field descriptions could be better too.
I don't think this field does what the description seems to imply.
KiwiSurfer (Guest)
KiwiSurfer (Guest)
According to my testing it means the amount of downloads that can be performed on a downloadable file.
e.g: someone buys an MP3 file (downloadable) and receives- after his payment - an email with a download link to this file. The system registers every download and measures this against the value as set in the field
"Maximum downloads allowed from different IP per month"
If the times of downloads becomes higher then the value set in this field, then the user will receive an error message stating "Maximum downloads reached."
What I do not understand is the fact that Viart themselves are not responding to this question.
The confusion in this matter is the wording of the field's description.
I hope this explains it a bit.
At least this is how it works on my version. !!
Hey - Kiwi Surfer
are you located in NZ or an ex pat ? It sure would be good to know an other kiwi in nz using this system ???
kiwimate (Guest)
kiwimate (Guest)
Yes, I'm from New Zealand, in New Zealand, and a New Zealander. :)
kiwimate (Guest)
kiwimate (Guest)
Where are you from CJ.??
I'm in Auckland
Has anyone actually been able to upload an mp3 file as a product. When i tried it returned an error stating this type of file not supported.. is there something I'm missing??
Has anyone actually been able to upload an mp3 file as a product. When i tried it returned an error stating this type of file not supported.. is there something I'm missing??
Specify the allowed file formats in the field "Files for uploading by administrators" located in Settings > Products > Downloadable Products, also I recommend reading this manual:
ViArt Team