Our site www.viart.com site is operated by latest Viart Shop 5 with default Clear design
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web-girl (Guest)
web-girl (Guest)
ViArt Shop Free the lastest version
I want to make the blocks float right instead of left
Direction I want it rtl rather that ltr
menu bar rtl
and finally default language where to set and how to disable block_language
ironsnake (Guest)
ironsnake (Guest)
Hi web-girl!
To amend blocks go to Administration > CMS > home there you can choose to have blocks on what side you want and remove language block, for default language go to system>system static messages there you can choose default language and to add or remove languages go to system>static tables>languages. you will have to be loggedin as the administratior.
i hope this helps
web-girl (Guest)
web-girl (Guest)
very useful thanksBroad grin
I guess I should go on trying every option I have in administration
I thought these things could not be changed from admin >>
One more thing...
top menu tabs I want to reverse there order and make them right to left directedWall Bash
arabic is a right to left language so
at the right top corner I should have (home tab) placed the next on the left of it (products) and so on
Menu tabs and their order:
Go to CMS/layouts and click "site navigation" for the active layout. This is where you choose or define what tabs you want to show on the top menu and what order you want them to appear.
web-girl (Guest)
web-girl (Guest)
Smile thanks
that's great
one more thing
I want to make Font Tahoma where to edit that??
want to make direction rtl , text align right etc >>
where to add that??
AND where to edit the language file?? becauase arabic pack is not complete most sentences are in English
waiting for you
First copy your style sheet "styles/ecommerce_white.css" as "styles/web4girls.css"
Then create a template folder "templates/web4girls".
The reason for doing this is to give you a copy of your styles file to work on and if you customise any html template files put them in "templates/web4girls" so you dont have to alter the originals. Also if the system is upgraded your customised styles and templates are not overwritten.
Go to Admin "CMS > Layouts". Add New.
Create a layout called "web4girls.
Layout Name, Customer Layour Name and Style Name all set to "web4girls"
Select web4girls for the templates and "Update". Now select it from the layouts list to make it active.
You can now edit "styles/web4girls.css" putting in Tahoma font where you want it. If you are using Windows others have suggested using Stylizer http://www.skybound.ca/stylizer/ to edit your style file.
To make text right justified select all the text in any of the text input boxes and click on the right justify icon (8th from right). You can also set it in the css file using "text-align:right;"
Languages are stored in "messages/ar/messages.php" for Arabic. The other files contain other messages for other parts of the system.