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sltwin (Guest)
sltwin (Guest)
I'm almost done with a viart shop set up for a book reseler.
so this is how I've set up my cart.
Users are always considered as merchants and that allows them to buy but also to sell products on the site.
I would like to allow a user to introduce some custom fields, and then those fiels would be visibe for a regular buyer when checking the book details. These custom fields can be Author, Year of edition, edition...whatever.
Now I'm stuck here because there is very little info on this in the manual. I can add through via products & categories > Select a product > options & components and add those fields via the admin but these same fields don't appear in the page where the marchant sells his book (called user product).
My qiestion is how to add these fields in a way that they are visible for the user who is selling the book and that they are displayed in the book details.
I kno that the regular people who help on this forum will be able to help me! I trust you guys, you are my last chance before I have to admit to my customer that I'm unable to do it for him...and I would hate that because it's the last config missing...
Txs guys.
btw site is http://www.bookexchange.be do not hesitate to check it. Cheers.
sltwin (Guest)
sltwin (Guest)
Hello everyone!! Can someone help please? Even exchange ideas would be nice. don't ignore my post please Chris, Dan, Tony,... all the pros please help.
If no one can help here, try sending a support ticket to ViArt, they have a great support staff who could help you out. I know what you are going through.
sltwin (Guest)
sltwin (Guest)
yeah thxs.
Was trying to avoid that cause I'm probably already the worst viart customer as I always ask support team plently of questions.
Will try both ways then.
Thxs foxtrotdomains
Tony (Guest)
Tony (Guest)
Hi sltwin
What you asking to be done require custom work to make such features available.
If you require further assistance drop us a line at HolleyLand.com
Tony (Guest)
Tony (Guest)
Hi sltwin
I might have misunderstood you question clearly, if you want to create a custom field: First pick the product category then below you'll see "Options & Components" go down the list fill in the form.
The field then should appear.
sltwin (Guest)
sltwin (Guest)
thxs tony but if I follow you adivce Ill be adding that product by product and not allowing the merchant to introduce that as a field. there has to be a way for me to add more fields than the standard ones for the user...I just don't understand why and nfortunately support isn't answering my question...
amigos, any other idea?
Please help.
THank you.
Sorry about coming in on this so late. I belive if you want the customer to be able to add their own custom fields, then yes... it's a custom feature. if you want to add the fields and have them available to all users... then it's already able to do so. Smile
sltwin (Guest)
sltwin (Guest)
Hi Dan, You ot it right there. I want to add the following fields: year of publication, author and editor to the page where the users cansell a book. From support team I got this answer:
"Actually there is already a possibility to add product options for merchants. Please go Administration > Site Users > Users Types > merchant > Product Settings > 'Options & Components' tab.
Here you can check the options' settings you wish to allow your merchants."
OK I go to that page and stat checking the boxes without understanding and without any apparent result. I would expect to have a custom field available and a drop down to select if I want to add a textield, a checkbox or a labl.. I don't see such options and am not able to add anything explicit. only stuff like add css, add html before or after title, stuff like that. I'm good a HTML and CSS as that is m job but I'm completly lost and I here some of you it's custom cod others it's already therE. If i's there please expain wih an example how to add what I mentioned above.
My thanks in advance o all of you who help me on this.
I was curious about this too and did some research. If I am understanding this correctly, you could set up default options for a 'Product Type':
Default options per a product type
Options and Components
I am going to play around with it to see if it works like I'm hoping...
okay, so far it looks like what I found will add options for the customer placing an order, not on the backend.
Anyone know how to add these fields for all products without having to do it one-by-one? I have 1000 products! I could import the data via the mysql database but I need to get those fields set up first...
sltwin (Guest)
sltwin (Guest)
you are n he same situation as I am.
It's possible to let merchants add info but you don't decide what they add or you can via admin add aoptions for the product but merchant can't introduce it himself.
For now what I'm doing (and I know that it is really wrong to do so) is in the static messages replace options I don't use like friendly URL by Author. In the admin part it also replaces the label Friendly URL by Author in user types / product settings / field
So no custom field but a nasty system to reuse standard fields I'm not using (and will be obliged not to used them in the future. Nasty side effect also is that one way or another it will ruin the possibility to upgrade in the future...
Comment, thoughts about it are welcome...
hmmm... that doesn't sound like a good solution. Searching I'll definitely report back here if I come up with something better. I sell ebooks so I have similar needs.
Okay, I found the solution to *my* original problem... added fields ("options") so that I can fill them in for each product.
However, I am now on the same page as you... I am at a loss as to how I can make those options show up in the merchant's product editing/adding area. This shouldn't be so hard, should it?