I have created some Custom Menus Block and am trying to modify them, I am talking about the actual Custom Menu item; not the menu's items listed inside of the block.
When I created the first one and swa that I have misspelled the listing; I was able to go back into the properties and change teh spelling without issue.
I then created a second, third, and fourth menu. No problem with creation. The problem comes in with trying to modify them once they are created. Only the first one can be modified once they are created.
So I decided to delete them, but can not find where in the Admin section that is possible. Even on the first one, when you open it to "Edit"; it does not have a "Delete" option like almost everywhere else in the program.
Does anybody know where this info is stored?
I tried looking in the manuals under "Custom Menu" and is states nothing is contained in it about the topic. I have searched the forums with the same topic and have not been successful finding it.
I do have a support request in on this, but do not want to wait for whatever time it takes for them to "Get around to it".
Thanks for any help provided.