How do you determine how big your custom block should be (left to right)?
I know I can do it by trial and error, but is there a formula? At time when 1 place too long an image into a custom block it stretches the screen, so the website goes off to the right.
How do you avoid this?
31 Jan 2009 7:55 AM
In my layout it is determined by either:
1: the width of the column
2: the width of an element (such as image) if it is wider
1 Feb 2009 1:10 AM
I would like to set mine up to be a set width, so here's what I have done.
My width is 1000px.
My Left Column is 290px
My Right Column is 290px
My center column is 400px.
I have a padding of 5px on both sides of the left and righ columns.
I beleive if you utilize the percentage technique, you can run into issues.
1 Feb 2009 2:50 AM
Dan, where do you do that?
2 Feb 2009 5:09 PM
Hi foxrotdomains,
I think you are the buyer who made private message to me (dreamz) at scriptlance. Unfortunately, scriptlance did not deliver those messages to my mail (earlier scriptlance use to deliver private messages to my mail) and when I checked them, I was not left with no way to get in touch with you. Please feel free to get in touch with me at, which is Viart Template Store or