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We've been told in the forums that fixes for 4.0.5 are continually rolled into the downloadable version of Viart as the fixes are released. However, I've been downloading the .zip file every day for several days, watching for fixes to be rolled in, but they aren't. In fact, all of the files in the .zip file appear to be at the same 1/28/11 level. Even doing a file compare on specific files, using the one from the .zip file with ones in the Fixes forum shows that the fixes are not being rolled into the downloadable version.
Where is this supposed 'current' download with all fixes incorporated?
Last modified: 3 Mar 2011 2:09 PM
I opened a support ticket, and the response was the following:
The archive is not updated for awhile because we are in the middle of important changes right now, once we finish them there will be a new archive along with a new mid releases version.
So for now we'll recommend to download patches one by one from "Release 4.0 patches" thread.
Best Regards,
ViArt Software Team
So it would seem that the fixes are not being rolled in now, and we'll have to keep pulling them off one by one.
I guess my concern isn't about applying the updates, but what the "we are in the middle of important changes right now" means.
Last modified: 4 Mar 2011 9:35 PM
I hope that one of these is my 'One Page Checkout' feature; for those who shared in the cost of this, I gather that they are about to start programming this so, hopefully we shall soon have the code.
i agree Chris. I am eager to see this as we all invested in this '5493 In progress 1/5/10 1:44 PM' over a year ago. This is NOT a good thing to wait that long. I'm not sure as to the complexity of the feature, but I wouldn't think it takes over 2080 hrs of programming (2080 is regular working hours in a year). Wall Bash
I was told it would be available to us after the new release - I [wrongly] assumed that it was being programmed in tandem with v4 and would just need final testing and any last minute mod after v4 came to market.
I expressed my great concern that it was to be on general release on the next version and, given we had paid a year ago, those of us who had paid would get so little benefit over those who decided to watch and wait for it:
The response to me was:
One Page Checkout is a completely new feature not available in any version. We have an opinion that before starting developing something new on version 4.0 we need to make sure that the new version 4.0 structure is stable enough to build new functionalities on it. Once we tie all the ends only then we can be ready to develop new features and continue to improve ViArt Shop.
Yes the users who paid for OPC customization will have the new feature files sooner than others but it is not an individual customization so we are going to release this feature in the next version for all users too.
As we told some of the users who paid for OPC feature - total $600 for functionality like this is a very discounted price, we expect that this sum will cover approximately only 25% of work. Therefore we leave a right to develop this feature on our terms and in the most convenient for ViArt way.
So to summarize we don't see any reason to feel down. One Page Checkout will be developed and you will get it first. But we need to have a strong platform to build it on that's why its development is a bit postponed.