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I have my own shipping application for creating shipping labels which my employees use for the usual daily processing of paid orders. I created this application (in Delphi 5, Object Pascal, Windows app) as a way to keep them from needing to be in the Viart system and limit what they can do to only order processing.
The application provides form-filling for USPS website label forms from the Viart database as well as retrieval of packing slips for paid orders, and displays custom order info and shipping preferences, customer messages etc.
It only needs one additional thing. I want to change the order status to 'Goods Shipped' without going back to the Viart admin site.
To this end, I have successfully been calling the admin_packing_pdf.php script like this:
I use a direct http call from withing my own application to do this, and since it is simply a URL with parameters passed, it is no different than how it is called from within the Viart scripting system. I'd like to be able to pass along valid credentials, but for the moment, I'm having them log in with their 'employee' info and the app is then cleared for retrieval of the packing slips very nicely.
However, for calling Viart with the command to change status of the paid orders I've processed to 'goods shipped', I'm not sure what the URL would need to look like in order to fire off the status change emails, and any other 'background' processing that the system needs.
If I can think of a way to capture the URL generated by the 'Update Status' form submission, specifically, there are 14 elements on the form, and of those, the "operation" and "order_ids" and "Status_id" all seem logical enough, tho I'm not sure what 'operation' values are. There are 9 elements that start with "s_xx" and I'm not sure what to assign to those elements in the URL. The two button elements are typical.
If anyone is interested in this, please let me know. I need only to make a call like this:
http://www.edsets.com/admin/admin_orders.php?(a=b, c=d, etc...put form here...)
with the correct form fields in the PUT will really make it a complete application.
VIART: I'd be willing to pay for a good answer :)