Our site www.viart.com site is operated by latest Viart Shop 5 with default Clear design
Topic Information
Tony (Guest)
Tony (Guest)
We have made correction for IE browser, you can give it a try now. We apologies for the delay, had some problems due to the quake in Italy that disrupted our Internet service.
Thank all of you for your feedback.
Have a pleasant day
Uhm, That would be a Negative on Firefox (v3.0.8) too. The drop down menus don't work at all.
Besides the errors.. Tony... wow... nice. Good
Tony (Guest)
Tony (Guest)
Hi dravekx
Only the "HELP" utilize the default ViArt drop-down on the menu,
which function properly.
Thank you for your comment, have a pleasant day.
Why does every menu item have a drop down arrow then? hm. Im interested. :)
Tony (Guest)
Tony (Guest)
HI dravekx
As outline in the announce at the start of this tread, once a month we'll be adding new feature, therefore we simply added the down arrow to each button in the event it would be needed later.
Currently he only drop-down as mention applies to HELP.
Thank you for your interest, have a pleasant day.
l like what I'm seeing, but I'm not sure from all the posts when you will have a reliable production ready package. Product images are very important in my case, more so that most since my product is complex, has many options and my customers have a hard time understanding it even with images! So, I like the compact display of products and rollover info, etc.
I am interested to know when you have a rock solid release, and I do mean rock solid. I am not willing to put test or 'beta' code into production. What I've always liked about Viart is the fact that is is solid and reliable, and very few issues have impacted me, practically none really.
When you feel like you can meet that, I'm interested.
Tony (Guest)
Tony (Guest)
Hi Ed
Thank you for your comment, you can rest assure that "Paint Shop" layout and design are solid including the "AJAX" feature.
I wish to point out, the demo presented is design to demonstrate current and future features, to be presented once a month. Far different environment than the average shop owner would ever do on a personal site.
On occasion, a glitch may be found which is not uncommon, Holleyland team address problems immediately in this demo as well as our customers.
If you, have further questions drop us a line, we'll be happy to answer any questions you may have.
In the meantime have a pleasant weekend.
Hi Tony,
Any recent changes to Ferrari?
Tony (Guest)
Tony (Guest)
Hi Five5
Apologies, we have been very busy. If you have something in particular drop us a line or post here. We'll do our best to included it.
Just to name couple features we have done lately with ViArt:
Shipping standard API with Fedex, UPS and courier in the UK.
FaceBook and Twitter API interface connection to ViArt.
and the usual ajax and java stuff..
In the meantime have a pleasant day!

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