After updated from 3.3.2 to 3.4.7, all my text and titles are centered. I can’t seem to change it in the .css file and it does it on all other themes, so that tells me it is not a .css issue…Help!
On another note, why is it every time there is an update they have to change the .html files??? What is the point of me customizing html’s when you change them every time. It’s killing me…
Thanks for any help!
Vamsi (Guest)
29 May 2008 12:24 AM
If u have modified the code in any of the pages (eg -head.html ex) with <center> tag and left it open then this type of error will occurs
it might be an version issue check it with viart team.
agdm619 (Guest)
3 Jun 2008 5:51 PM
I have found the problem...It was in my header.html file, I had some html code in there that was centering everything.