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My ajax/js skill level is very low.
I was wondering if anybody could tell me how to make the message that popups up a url.
So you add the product to basket with ajax, when you click the message you get directed to the shopping cart.
Now when you click it, it disappears and nothing happens.
You can modify the default AJAX message by changing the function "showPopupBlock" in the file "blocks.js" but you do need to have some programming skills to do this.
ViArt Team
Thanx, could not find the script, had it fixed within a minute.
If there is any one else that would like to this, here's how
Open blocks.js in js folder.
go to line 145
you should find this function
function hidePopupBlock()
var popupObj = document.getElementById("popupBlock");
if (popupObj) {
popupObj.onclick = location.href='add your shopping cart link here here';
// document.body.removeChild(popupObj);
remove code and ad this one.
Of course this is at own risk, works great for me. see how it works www.vekto.nl
Last modified: 20 Apr 2011 2:22 PM