Is there a way to set that the system sends an email notification to the administrator when a product reaches 0 in the stock level?
21 Jun 2010 10:59 AM
I found a thread where someone said that "it is possible to send a mail when out of stock, but I want to recieve one when the stock is approaching zero", then I understand that somehow I can set that the system sends an email when the stock is zero. But how??
21 Jun 2010 3:06 PM
Webbia, the lack of response is probably because none of us knows.
You could use the support center and ask Viart?
21 Jun 2010 5:12 PM
Yes, so I have done, but on theese questions I often experience delayed or missing answer, and so this time too. But I will send another question and see if they respond this time.
22 Jun 2010 9:02 AM
It's what I do - Viart are generally very helpful.
22 Jun 2010 1:42 PM
Well, the function doesn´t exist, unfortunately..
22 Jun 2010 2:00 PM
What many of us then do, if it is important, we ask Viart to create the feature for us.
We can either pay the full programming cost, or we can commission it at a reduced rate and agree that Viart can include it in a future release.
Some of us have gone this latter route and Viart, and fellow users, are also the richer for it