Being The World's Best And Largest Supplier Of Comme Il Faut Shoes
Offering The World's Highest Quality Handmade Comfortable Dance Shoes
Welcome to Lisadore. We want to be your number 1 supplier of Worlds finest and most comfortable handmade Argentina tango dance shoes. We want to offer you shoes that are made specially for your feet. We want to offer you shoes that are made by real people, by real shoemakers, with real shoe making tools.
Shoe makers that put real effort in their work, constantly improving. Shoe makers that go home at night, and work the next day, making the best, nicest and finest shoes. Because that is what they are good at. Because this is what they like to do! :)
We want to sell an original product! Because these days most products are mass imported from Asia and surrounding areas where factory workers are not financially compensated for their labor and know how, labor conditions are awful and the cheapest materials are used... all to 'create' the cheapest produced 'perfect' mass-machine-product. These days Stock-Holders are only interested in maximizing profit, deleting labor and creating mass-production (also with massive fall out) turning a blind eye to environmental damages and turning every product into a cheap priced consumer good. The profit goes to a happy few, all at the costs of those who actually make the products.
And these days, this we consider normal.
We want to offer an Original and Handmade product.
Where shoemakers are appreciated for their experience, their know-how and effort. Where the best materials are used, although this all costs more. But at least you buy a handmade product, a product made with joy by a craftsman, you are buying a product you can be proud of.

Comme Il Faut Shoes Made With Joy!
Just take a small look at what we have in stock and you will notice this right away! And with such a beautiful product we want to offer a service that accompanies the product. Therefor we have the best shoes to choose from, many many models to choose from, very frequent stock updates, quick and reliable shipping services, and a fair return policy.
Add to this all the effort we put in this making this website possible, and to intense effort to create these beautiful photo's of all the shoes in stock, and you have Lisadore.com.
We hope you enjoy your visit at our website, we have made it with love. And if you buy such a beautiful pair we hope you can enjoy all the effort that is put in actually making this beautiful shoes.
Best regards!
(Founder Lisadore)