We had a strange order that was actually paid - and which our shop immediately refunded as we had not viable contact details in the order.
I wonder whether anyone else gets orders like this and whether there is any mal-intent behind it?
This is the order invoice/delivery detail - thee is even discrepancy between invoice and delivery and the email address is clearly odd.
At first I though it was a Viart order to check a problem I had, but clearly not as we received payment!
Invoice to:
User ID: 13957
First Name: fasdasd
Last Name: asfsd
Email: admin@admin.com
Street Address 1: asfasd
Street Address 2:
Town or City: asdasd
County - Region: fsda adsf
Destination: England Isle of Wight
Zip/Postal Code: 65444
Country: United Kingdom
Phone: 6013464655
Cell phone:
How did you find us? : a Google search
Remote Address:
Delivery to:
First Name: fasdasd
Last Name: asfsd
Company Name:
Street Address 1: asfasd
Street Address 2:
Town or City: asdasd
County - Region: fsda adsf
Destination: Eire
Zip/Postal Code: 65444
Country: Ireland
Phone: 6013464655
Cell phone:
21 Feb 2013 3:18 PM
Looks suspicious to me. Maybe someone is testing stolen credit cards to see if they are valid.
21 Feb 2013 3:23 PM
Well, Bob, if that is the case they now know that it is valid.
I have Black Listed them to resist it being tried again on us - if they use the same IP address of course!!
22 Feb 2013 7:44 PM
Did you call them?
23 Feb 2013 7:31 AM
That isn't a real phone number
Ibn Saeed
23 Feb 2013 9:28 AM
This happens to my site a lot, used to in the beginning though.
It because some web designer intends to check how the ecommerce site works, how many steps it takes to order a product.
Its nothing to worry about.
Its someone just going through your checkout process and seeing how you have implemented your checkout process.
It can be a developer from one of your competitors as well or just a curious web developer.
24 Feb 2013 4:15 PM
Maybe, Ibn Saeed - but if it were, why pay us?
They might not get their money back as they could not easily prove it's their money - at lest not without a lot of hassle?