Key features include: |
Comprehensive tickets management engine |
100% web-based solution |
Unlimited number of support tickets |
All support tickets are stored in database |
Complete change history of tickets is maintained |
Emails sent to HelpDesk are converted into support tickets and visa versa automatically |
Comprehensive tickets search engine |
Ability to create a message to a customer without an initial request |
Unlimited number of departments |
Unlimited number of managers |
Ability to assign managers to different departments |
Ability to reassign tickets to other managers |
E-mail notifications for both manager and customer |
Ability to use special tags in email body and email subject |
Ability to use predefined replies and signatures |
Ability to specify supported products |
Customizable ticket types and statuses |
Ability to specify status icon and highlight ticket summary with HTML tags |
Three levels of ticket priority: high, normal and low |
Ability to add common tickets into the Knowledge Base |
Ability to use attachments |
Image validation to prevent robots submit |
Overall statistics |