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Free Batch Image Resizing Tool from ViArt
25 Jan 2010 3:10 PM
Hi all,
We have found, especially with e-commerce websites, our clients have a need for batch resizing of images. On our own projects we find this can be a very time consuming job especially given the need for up to four images for every product:
- Tiny Image (to go on checkout, best sellers block etc)
- Small Image (used on the product listing page)
- Large Image (used on product details page)
- Super Image (the pop-up image that appears when you click on the large image on product details page)
Resizing 4 versions of an image can become cumbersome, especially when dealing with loads of product images. So we built an easy solution in the form of the “Image Resizer Tool” which allows us to resize and optimize multiple copies of multiple images - easily and quickly. We're making the product free to everyone. It can be downloaded via the following link:
(The ZIP file also contains a Read-Me file explaining system requirements and a Tutorial file as well)
This tool allows you to specify more than one image resize setting and batch resize an entire folder of product images in one go. Also, the tool never alters original images. It only creates copies of the original images according to specified resize settings.
We found this tool hugely helpful and hope it does the same for you all. Finally, a special mention to our development team for providing this quick and easy Image Resizing tool.